Grüppe is a band playing a kind of music.
They sometimes record songs.
They also play gigs.
It's a band made of musicians.
Those musicians play instruments.
Their instruments produce sounds.
Those sounds are usually called music by the audience.
Sometimes not, it depends of the band, it depends also of the audience.
Grüppe loves music.
Grüppe loves tautology.

Past Events with Grüppe
15/12/2016 > Vitas Guerulaïtis + Grüppe @ Café Central
Vitas Guerulaïtis est.
Un trio idiot.
Un joueur de tennis mort avec une faute d’orthographe.
Un nom imprononçable.
Le plus fougeux des groupes de musiques inconnues.GRÜPPE (fr)
Grüppe is a band playing a kind of music.
They sometimes record songs.
They also play gigs.
It's a band made of musicians.
Those musicians play instruments.
Their instruments produce sounds.
Those sounds are usually called music by the audience.
Sometimes not, it depends of the band, it depends also of the audience.
Grüppe loves music.
Grüppe loves tautology.